Monday, September 24, 2007

Patronness for Parents

Some days are harder than others being a parent! :-) After a challenging day like today, I wanted to reread the life of St. Juliana of Lazarevskaya (Lazarevo) to see how she managed with thirteen children and a husband that traveled a lot! She's not just a role model for Orthodox Christian parents, but for parents everywhere. Her life is detailed here, and here is an Akathist to her. She is commemorated the same day as St. Seraphim of Sarov's repose, January 2/15.

There are several aspects of her life that are inspiring to me: how she sanctified her life as a homemaker in doing simple everyday tasks and chores, how she always thought about everyone above and beyond herself, and how she managed to pray and give glory to God in the midst of severe illness and even during famine.