I've seen some hostility over time about women wearing skirts and dresses versus jeans and pants, and I'm not sure why this should be. In our modern age, isn't it supposed to be all about a woman's choice about what she wants to wear, even if that choice happens to be skirts and dresses over pants and jeans?
I for one LOVE wearing skirts and dresses, and have found that as I'm getting older, I really love them. I always feel comfortable, always feel ready for anything, and never worry about being underdressed. Having done much research about what cut of dress or skirt suited my body type, I feel way more confident in an A-line skirt or dress than I ever will in a pair of relaxed blue jeans (forget about the tight jeans!). Wearing a dress makes me feel feminine and free, and if I have a choice, I prefer dresses over skirts, since I don't have to worry about deciding which top to pair it with...I put on my dress, decide which accessories to wear with it (if any), and go. For me, I think a dress instantly steps things up a bit, even if it's more of a casual dress.
I've heard some that skirts and dresses don't allow for much versatility with regards to work. I admit that I'll throw on a pair of jeans to kneel while gardening, but I cut grass in my skirts and dresses, clean floors and bathrooms in my skirts and dresses, and it works just fine. I do have a couple of dresses that are more my "workhorse" dresses because they are no-nonsense and plain that I use specifically for more harder work, but you can do anything in a skirt or dress you'd do in yoga pants, sweat pants, shorts, or jeans, believe me! I think the key is making sure it's at a comfortable length (I personally wouldn't be comfortable while bending doing housework in a miniskirt, but that's just me). Women of many cultures have dress- or skirt-like garments and I'm sure would agree that everything they need to do gets done efficiently their clothing.
This isn't a jab to women that like wearing pants--everybody has their own comfort zone, what they feel best in comfort-wise, what they feel most at home wearing, and what gives them the most confidence wearing it. I just felt it was necessary to give a little bit of support to the humble dress and skirt. They are two garments that are always there for me and they make me feel feminine and put together, and they have been a friend to women since the earliest days. I just thought they deserved a little bit of love.